And other stupid things said
A rather short, but nonetheless, hardhitting post by Dymphna. This gal's about as subtle as a napalm run. I sure do like her!
WARNING! Some may find some of my responses rather... crude. If you find such offensive, you might want to pass on this posting.
What things in life are there that you REALLY enjoy, but you really don't want others knowing about? What the heck... I'll get the ball rolling. Now I'm being up front and honest. I expect all of you to follow suit!You scored as The Hitman Formerly Known As... (Insert Real Name Here). Dude, you need to shut the hell up. With any luck, someone will teach you the meaning of the word "discreet" before you get picked up by The Feds. The Hitman Formerly Known As... - 69% |
Phrases That Should Be Added To The Mass
To The Mass of Pope Caveman I, that is
Cum Catapultae Proscriptae Erunt Tum Soli Fuerint Catapultas Habebunt
When Catapults Are Outlawed Only Outlaws Will Have Catapults
Per Molestias Eruditio
True Education Through Physical Abuse
Australem Gratia Dei
Southern By The Grace of God
Flagellatas Perseverante Donec Perbeatus Meliore
The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves
Elvisuis Est Rex Regenium, Infantia!
Elvis Is The King, Baby!
Age. Fac ut gaudeam
Go ahead. Make my day
Abeo, abeo, abeo, actum est, comites!
Ah-bee, ah-bee, ah-bee, that's all, folks!
...and firmly affixed to the Fred Flintstone style Pope-Mobile;
Sic Hoc Adfixum In Obice Legere Potes, Et Liberaliter Educatus Et Nimis Propinquus Ades
If You Can Read This Bumper Sticker, You Are Both Very Well Educated And Much Too Close
anyone have any more?
It'll be born like THIS
And will grow up to look like THIS