So much for saying Mass in the vernacular
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, England’s top Roman Protestant, is whining because the influx of Polish immigrants is hurting his attempt to dismantle the Catholic Church there.
At right, Poles fill British churches to overlowing for Sunday Mass, even if it means kneeling on concrete to worship their Lord.
Mass attendance in England fell 40 per cent between 1963 and 1991 (ahh, the fruits of Vatican II), but the arrival of immigrants from Catholic countries in eastern Europe halted the decline and led to an increase in weekly Mass attendance last year. Leading the growth were the immigrants from Poland, a country that is 98% Catholic.
One would think that is a good thing, especially in country where the most popular names in London’s maternity wards for the last five years has been Mohammed.
But here’s the problem as the super-lib Cardinal sees it.
The Polish immigrants brought along Polish priests to minister to their needs and therein lies the problem with the Archbishop of Westminster. Murphy-O'Connor wants the Polish community to do more to learn English and integrate into local parishes, claiming the Catholic Church in the UK is in danger of dividing along ethnic lines as the number of Polish-speaking churches increases. In fact he’s even accused the immigrants of creating a separate church in Britain.
Now, keep in mind that Murphy-O'Connor doesn’t like the classic Latin Mass and is already trying to prevent implementation of the Pope’s motu propio granting any priest in the world the ability to say the traditional Mass whenever he wants.
Okay, he doesn’t like the Latin Mass, then shouldn’t he be in favor of the Mass being said in the vernacular? Obviously not when it is said in the language of people who actually show up for Mass on Sunday. What he really wants is those loyal Polish Catholics exposed to the modernist sermons of his Vat2-indoctrinated clergy.