Caveman Exclusive!!! Nancy Pelosi's Very First Papal Visit!!!

...could be...could be...
...remember ol' Nancy fondly recalling of a family visit to the Vatican back in the 50's and sharing a viewing of some photo's of the event with Pope Benedict ? Well, I think I've come across what could very well be a shot of Nancy's first ever meeting with a Pope...

...could be...could be...
Oh, I don't think she looked that good even as a child.
ROTFLOL!! The beady eyes give it away!
Fr. Halloran used to say that nasty old folks were nasty young folks... or something like that.
I love it!
Either that, or it is her 1st Communion picture that shows to roots of her lack of reverence for anything authenticly Catholic.
ha ha ha
LOL!! Thanks for the laugh!
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