A Fateful Concurrence
I ran across a very interesting article from The Remnant. As it's well known, I have a special devotion to Our Lady of Akita. I hope you find this interesting, as well. Here's some of the article; (Emphasis mine)
The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their conferees…churches and altars sacked, the Church will be full of those who accept compromise and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of My sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them.
Since the parts of the Fatima Message we have seen so far contain no prophecy of this sort, but we do have a vision of a Pope being executed by soldiers outside a half-ruined city, it seems we are missing the words of Our Lady which explain why a future Pope comes to meet his end outside that half-ruined city, and what causes its ruin. Does the scenario of the “vision of the bishop in white” have something to do with fire that “will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful”? If the Message of Fatima and the Message of Akita are “essentially the same,” it seems that the only reasonable answer is yes.
In an address Pope Benedict gave at Bethlehem on May 13 2009, the anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima, the Pope declared: “You promised the three children of Fatima that ‘in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.’ May it be so!” That remark represents, to those who know, a stunning reversal of the “party line” of the Vatican Secretary of State that the triumph of the Immaculate Heart is already behind us, and consists of the “fall of communism” following the “consecration of Russia” in 1984—during a ceremony which avoided any mention of Russia, lest the Russians be offended. It also represents a reversal of the former Cardinal Ratzinger’s truly embarrassing claim, in the Vatican commentary of June 2000, that the triumph of the Immaculate Heart took place when Mary gave her “fiat” 2,000 years ago.
One thing which is clear from my visit to Akita is that the Society of Saint Pius X understands that the man who was Ratzinger is not quite the same man who is Pope today. Benedict XVI knows things he is not saying, and all the talk of a conciliar springtime is over. The Pope knows of the fateful concurrence of Fatima and Akita, which would explain why he sent a note of gratitude to Antonio Socci for Socci’s own book (The Fourth Secret of Fatima) making the case that the Vatican has hidden the words of Our Lady pertaining to the Third Secret.
As I complete this story in haste on my way to assist Mike Matt and John Rao in leading the annual Remnant pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, I urge my fellow Catholics to pray for the Consecration of Russia and to join SSPX’s Rosary crusade for that intention. With the reign of Obama, the cunning master Sophist, prefiguring the reign of the Lord of the World, only the Triumph the Immaculate Heart—not “rallies for the Republic”—can save this nation by bringing on the one development that will save the world at large, to quote Antonio Socci: “a radical and extraordinary change in the world, an overthrow of the mentality dominating modernity, probably following dramatic events for humanity.” God save the Pope. God save America. Our Lady of Fatima, intercede for us! Our Lady of Akita, intercede for us!
I believe in Fatima. As far as Akita, it is an ecclesiastically approved phenomena. Frankly, I do not know much about Akita other than that. As far as the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumphing, I am not convinced that the conversion of Russia necessarily applies. It must be something yet to come.
We can be grateful for the downfall of Communism in the former Soviet block. Nonetheless, the depredations of Communism IMHO are not nearly as serious a challenge to our Holy Faith as the allegedly humanist, secular/atheistic directions that Western societies have taken. I believe that what was great about the West, even with its past social sins, is over, just as what was good about the Roman Empire eventually died out.
Will the Catholic Church as we know her today be there (again) to pick up the pieces?
In fact, 'the triumph of the Immaculate Conception' DID occur with her "fiat."
For the author to argue otherwise is for the author to argue that he actually knows that her "triumph" consists of more than being the Mother of God--like, for example, her prevention of some disaster like the one mentioned at Akita.
And the author KNOWS this, exactly how?
I don't know if this makes a difference;
June, 1988 - Vatican City - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gives definitive judgment on the Akita events and messages as reliable and worthy of belief.
When The Holy Mother declared at Fatime: ‘in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.’, then obviously her final triumph has yet to occur. Otherwise... why did she say what she did?
Wow. Double wow. Everything Our Lady of Akita said makes so much sense.
So... this sudden, burning desire to rise up and fight back (hard core!) against "The Spirit of Vatican II" isn't just an insane dose of freak-wad extremism? Maybe Our Lady of Akita spoke to my soul when I wasn't looking? Out of nowhere I've suddenly received this almost fanatical devotion to Our Lady of Fatima ~ and I don't know squat about Our Lady of Fatima! Hmmm. Maybe I'm not nuts?
I know that Akita was approved by Rome as worthy of belief and that Fatima-like issues were involved. I just haven't followed it very much. Now I just wonder if . . . the Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. . . . is meant literally or is part of some figurative biblical-like language.
That's a good question. Either way, a lot of people will choose evil instead of good. The number of souls descending to hell will be as numerous as snowflakes.
Both possibilities scare the crap outta me.
Coffee Catholic - you said: "I don't know squat about Our Lady of Fatima"
These will help:
(1) Source docs--
Martins, Fr. A.M., & Fr. Robert Fox, Documents on Fatima & The Memoirs of Sister Lucia (Fatima Family Apostolate, Alexandria, 1992), trans. of Novos Documentos de Fatima, (Porto, 1984).
(2) In my opinion, the best documentation in English is from the recentky deceased Father Jaki.
See: S.L. Jaki, God and the Sun at Fatima (Royal Oak, MI: Real-View Books, 1999) --- he organizes, sorts out and explains all witness accounts.
Help us all Most Holy Mother of Fatima. Protect us all Most Blessed Virgin of Akita. Jesus, Mary and Josesph - I love you, SAVE SOULS.
Said it before, say it again. Connection between Ratzinger's approval of Akita & election as Pope, more than just coincidence.
"the Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. . . ."
Nuclear attack from "The Religion of Peace" allied with Korea and China? (And Russia?)
(I'm reading "The Memoirs of Sister Lucia" and I'll check out those other books you mentioned!)
I think it's the eternity/time question. Ratzinger can say that 'her triumph' is completed (as we say that Christ's sacrifice is completed) because it stands outside of time.
So you can look at it both ways--that it is complete, but not "yet" complete, accurately.
That's a good point, as well as more than likely the correct way to look upon it.
Re the triumph of the Immaculate Heart: I agree with Dad. The Immaculate Heart has triumphed, and the war between hell and heaven has already been won (by heaven) and lost (by hell). Basically, what we are engaged in right now is mop-up operations. But nobody promised us these would not be ugly, or that we ourselves would pass through them personally unscathed. Quite the reverse: we can expect the devil to increase in fury as his time grows short.
For these reasons, I disagree that the fall of Soviet Russia and the consecration of Russia were not triumphs of the Immaculate Heart. (I know the SSPX doesn't think Russia has been consecrated; I also understand Sr. Lucia herself said that the consecration was carried out in the manner the Blessed Mother asked. I don't mean to start an argument on this issue.) The Blessed Mother never promised us a totally evil-free world before the End of Time. But most of all, we will never know in this life what calamities have been averted because Soviet Russia did fall.
Hello, Vir Speluncae Catholicus,
Since you expressed your devotion to Our Lady of Akita in sharing the Fatima connection as Mr. Ferrara described it, may I invite you to read an article on the same topic, published last year?
"Our Lady of Akita and the Third Secret of Fatima"
[http://keepingitcatholic.blogspot.com/2008/09/our-lady-of-akita-and-third-secret-of.html] was published in Catholic Family News' Sept. 2008 issue. The article provides more details on the Akita/Fatima link in which you may be interested. If I may say so myself, the article includes one imperative highlight about Fatima's Third Secret Vision and Akita's Oct. 13, 1973 Message that has long been overlooked - an imperative point heretofore brought up nowhere else in any published works or speeches on Fatima or Akita.
The Akita/Fatima article mentioned in my preceding paragraph was one of a series of five on Fatima, all of which I wrote last year for Catholic Family News (the five articles are available on my blog: "Keeping It Catholic -The Blog!" - the main link is http://www.keepingitcatholic.blogspot.com).
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
In the love of Christ and His Virgin Mother,
Marianna Bartold
Keeping It Catholic
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