Just a few things to consider
The guy who's never been responsible for a single payroll, has already placed our grandchildren in debt.
The guy who's military experience consists of making a speech at Obama, oops, I mean Omaha Beach, is now responsible for the security of the Free World. And he wants to cut the Defense budget, to boot.
The guy who has zero corporate experience, is now running Gubmit Motors.
The guy who voted against granting basic human rights to babies who survived the abortion procedure, is now jockeying to nationalize health care.
It's bad enough that the people of this country have willingly granted this buffoon the opportunity to receive OJT while in the Oval Office... but to add insult to injury, he's a textbook example of rank amateur.
But I guess I shouldn't fret too much. Like the sports team or the latest singing sensation who peak too soon, the adulation for The South-Side Stooge will do the same.
And when the realization of what an absolute fraud this guy is dawns on the people who were suckered in, Barry's house of cards will collapse with a crash worthy of the 6 O'clock news.
"...now responsible for the security of the Free World. And he wants to cut the Defense budget, to boot."
And he wants to dump the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
Caveman Sir!
Are you optimistic enough to think that "what an absolute fraud this guy is" WILL ever dawn "on the people who were suckered in"? I mean, if they're the type to get all their info from the evening news, and the evening news is in the tank for Obama, do you really think they'll ever wake up? Won't he, and his minions in the press, just blame someone else for his failures?
"And when the realization of what an absolute fraud this guy is dawns on the people who were suckered in, Barry's house of cards will collapse with a crash worthy of the 6 O'clock news."
... to future historians, this event will be known as the "Bunghole Barry Surpise"
I'm not so sure that will happen, I'm afraid. The propaganda machine is strong in this one.
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