Lucifer looks up and smiles at USF
Here's some of a sad, but honest article from The California Catholic Daily; (Emphasis mine)
USF professor says Jesuit school has lost its Catholic identity
"Calling USF a Catholic school is like saying Hillary Clinton is a Carmelite nun," a philosophy professor at the Jesuit-run university told the archdiocesan weekly Catholic San Francisco in a story published in its June 12 edition.
USF philosophy professor Raymond Dennehy made his comments during an interview with Catholic San Francisco about the school’s decision to award dissident Bishop Kevin Dowling of Rustenburg, South Africa, an honorary degree and for inviting him to deliver the commencement address to undergraduate humanities and sciences students during May 22 graduation ceremonies. Bishop Dowling also delivered the homily at a pre-commencement Mass.
Bishop Dowling has defied Church teaching on abstinence before marriage, saying, “Abstinence before marriage and faithfulness in a marriage is beyond the realm of possibility here.” The Catholic San Francisco headline for the story read, “USF honors dissenting South African bishop.”
“Dennehy said the university has set out to form a Catholic identity separate from the Church's teaching on issues like abortion and homosexuality, citing examples like the invitation of Pelosi and the appointment to head of campus ministry of Jesuit Father Donal Godfrey, an outspoken proponent of gay-friendly theology,” reported Catholic San Francisco.
"USF has chosen to go its own way, and there is no one here to stop them,” Dennehy told the newspaper. “What is Catholic teaching? What is the so-called ‘institutional Church' if we don't have to pay attention to it?"
USF being named after St. Francis of Assissi adds insult to injury.
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