Out Of The Mouths Of Babes
Even kids can see through it

LifeTeen "Catholic" choir
Just got an interesting phone call from my elder sister back home in Southern California (yes, she attends the NO, but I'm working on it). She took her two grandsons to Mass Sunday morning, and for whatever reason, the 9:30 Mass was now complete with electric guitars, keyboards and drums.
The opening hymn was rockin', the Kyrie was rockin', the Gloria was rockin'. Hands were a-clappin' and toes were a-tappin'. Roger Daltrey would have been proud. Then again -- maybe not.
Right after the Gloria was warbled through, the eldest grandson said "Grandma, why is Father allowing this?" Then the younger one said "Yeah, this makes me want to throw-up!"
And they're only eight and five.
Even kids can see through it
Just got an interesting phone call from my elder sister back home in Southern California (yes, she attends the NO, but I'm working on it). She took her two grandsons to Mass Sunday morning, and for whatever reason, the 9:30 Mass was now complete with electric guitars, keyboards and drums.
The opening hymn was rockin', the Kyrie was rockin', the Gloria was rockin'. Hands were a-clappin' and toes were a-tappin'. Roger Daltrey would have been proud. Then again -- maybe not.
Right after the Gloria was warbled through, the eldest grandson said "Grandma, why is Father allowing this?" Then the younger one said "Yeah, this makes me want to throw-up!"
And they're only eight and five.
My 9 & 11 yr olds have less tolerance for the hootananny Mass than I do. When forced to attend, you should see the eye rolling.
Um, who changed the attribution on the quote at the top of the page? Chesterton didn't say that. Sheen did. Chesterton said, "We do not really want a religion that is right where we are right. What we want is a religion that is right where we are wrong."
have you checked out mark mallett?
That kind of crap is part of the reason I converted in the first place!
Yeah, doesn't surprise me. I attended the World Youth Day in 2005; at the time I was still a subtly-charismatic Prot and I was used to worship bands which could rock, and a congregation which would go along full throttle.
As for the English Catholic youth band I saw there? Yawn. The young people were utterly uninterested; the few pathetic attempts people made to clap along only made it all even more toe-cringingly awful and out of place.
Evangelicals can do it; they are raised on this shite and it is a part of them; there is a whole culture surrounding it. Not so with Catholics, and we ought to be thankful for that. Now, if we could only discover the culture that we should be a part of...
Because, as usual, kids have more common sense than the adults who are trying to pander to them. What man whose son asks for a fish will give him a stone?
Good kids!
I'm gettin' bum scoop left and right!
"Sheen"... "Chesterton"... "Sheen!!"... "Chesterton!!"
I'm endin' this right now.
LOL, Cavey, sorry for all the crapola. When it comes to accuracy in Chesterton quotes, the only one you need listen to is he who is editor-in-chief of a magazine devoted to Chesterton. In other words, me.
We, unfortunetly, attended a similar Mass this weekend. My six year old spent most of it with his hands over his ears!
If i want Christian Rock i shall listen to U2. good for the kids.
Looks like a picture of a youth Mass in the diocese of Fresno....Gof help us.
I'm out there a lot, I wonder which parish...St. John the Baptist in Costa Mesa is Traditional heaven at 12:30 pm.
Part of the "new" Catholicism maybe? Like this: http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/jun/09061501.html
Catholics launch campaign encouraging lesbianism among Brazilian teens.
Caption: OK, this is the Vatican liturgy police. Put down your guitars. & come along paecefully.
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