But do I have to render so damn much?
Yesterday's post on gas prices (and Former Altar Boy's combox comment) got me thinking about taxes.
I paid taxes up-front when I purchased my refrigerator, washer & dryer, clothes, furniture, tools, etc.
I paid taxes up-front when I purchased my home, truck, and car. But for some odd reason, I also have to pay taxes on those same items on a yearly basis. Hmmmm...
That got me to thinking ---
I pay taxes when I buy a gasoline. I pay taxes every month for having a telephone. I pay taxes every month for having electricity in my house. Gas, phone, and electricity? You gotta be yankin' me!!??
But did things get worse the more I thought about it? Damn right they did!
I pay a tax for the money I have saved. I pay a tax for the profit I made on my investing in mutual funds. I have to pay the government because I'm fiscally sound?
I pay a sewer tax, hence, for the privilege of flushing human waste down the toilet, I have to pay a tax. Oh, and I pay a tax on the toilet paper, too. So for defecating and exercising personal hygiene, I have to pay the government?
And just when I couldn't think the government couldn't possibly be more arrogant, I realized that I'm taxed for the food I eat and the water I drink. Back the truck up... I have to pay the government just to eat and drink so I can LIVE?
Doesn't the Mafia do the same thing? I think it's called extortion.
I am no good at economics, but I wonder if we put a tarrif on all good's comming in from China, even a tiny one, we could really cut taxes. China after all NEEDS to sell stuff to us, if we were charging them a bit to unload their ships hear I'd think that would be great.
Are you just now figuring out the fact that we are being fleeced?
You know, the colonials rebelled against their legitimate sovereign (ostensibly) over a tax on tea.
We have, depending on one's income level, about a 50% taxation rate, all things considered.
I'm not preaching rebellion. I am a Catholic and a loyal American patriot and nationalist. Render unto Caesar, and all that.
I'm just pointing out apparent inconsistencies.
Semper fidelis.
I've known that for quite some time now. I just thought myposting style would be a lot wittier than "gee, I'm now realizing that I've been getting screwed for decades now".
KnowwhatImean, Verne?
...and Our Gummint has a LOT MORE GUNS than the Mafia ever did...
Looks to me as though you have been rendered FOR Caesar...
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