Sister Mary Stretchpants in the attack mode
Here's some of a rather interesting article from; (Emphasis mine)
Mar. 4, 2009 ( -
An influential American nun has called for "non-violent resistance" against a Vatican investigation of women's religious orders. In an email message to colleagues that has now been published by the National Catholic Reporter, Sister Sandra Schneiders, who teaches at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California, says that the apostolic visitation recently announced by the Vatican will be "aggressive and dishonest." She acknowledges that American religious orders cannot prevent the Vatican inquiry. However, she recommends:
Sister Schneiders, a members of the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Hear of Mary, argues that most women's religious orders have found an entirely new way of living their vocations since Vatican II. "So, let's be what we are," she writes: "Religious who are not cloistered and ministers who are not ordained."
And according to The Washington Post;
Whatever happened to that old rule about receiving every guest as though he/she were Christ Himself? Or is it only the Franciscans (?) who are supposed to do that?
And the Nashville Dominican sisters look beautiful and happy, like the A-list at some traditional woman's college. God bless them all; they are better women than I am.
Sr. Mary Stretchpants..Ha!
Hope they all get shut-down. Feminazis'
Exactly how does this dinosaur qualify as "influential?"
. . . When people ask questions they shouldn't ask, the questions should be answered accordingly.
Oh, you mean lie?
"So, let's be what we are," she writes: "Religious who are not cloistered and ministers who are not ordained."
. . . and people who are NOT Catholic.
Her comments show the difference between what Vatican II actually said & what the so-called "Spirit of Vatican II" says.
The Holy Spirit lead the Church to call the religgious orders back to their original charism.
The real aim of the false (demonic) "Spirit of Vatican II" is found in this statement: "Sister Schneiders, a members of the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, argues that most women's religious orders have found an entirely new way of living their vocations since Vatican II." An entirely new way, not exactly what Vatican II actually said is it.
As I have said on my own blog & elsewhere, they don't want this visitation because they know it will pull back the curtain about what is really going on, they are the Arians, Albigensians & Pelagians (add any other heresy of your choice here) of today.
& as for who will be "aggressive and dishonest"? Given her suggetsion, I would say it is her & her co-horts, not the Vatican.
Dear friend,
Your link to the IHM's of Immaculata is NOT the same community as Sr. Sandra Schnieder's belongs to. The IHM's of Monroe Michigan can be found at this website, This is the community that Sister belongs to. These communities are completely separate from one another in all things except for their founding in 1845 (they were separated at a very young age and did not have contact with one another - therefore becoming distinct communities with the same name). Different rule, different superiors, different sisters, different community. I strongly suggest that before you write something on your blog, you research it more accurately. There are five separate communities of IHM sisters that I know of in the United States and NONE of them are united. Further, if you looked closely at the IHM Immaculata page, the sisters wear a modified habit, are involved in a traditional and corporate apostolate of education, and have six postulants, two novices, and 4 junior professed sisters. For your information the Rule of the IHM Immaculata Sisters also states that they are "faithful daughters of the church." I would ask you to please be careful before hurting the reputation of sisters who are faithful to the magisterium and work tirelessly for the Church. Imagine if your harsh words caused some harm to this community of dedicated women by the untrue statements you have made about them. I do think that an apology and correction is in order so that others who may see this blog will not have the wrong information about these sisters.
The link I gave clearly states " Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Hear of Mary", as stated in the article from
I stand by that. If you have a problem with what Catholic Culture printed, take it up with them.
Have a nice day.
I think the poster pointing-out the difference between the different IHM's didn't intend to sound rude.
It's really important to give props to the Immaculata IHM's as they actually appear on the road to growing again, and they make a wonderful presence at so many apostolates in the mid-Atlantic region, especially in Philadelphia area.
Incidentally, the Immaculata IHM's are the majority of all the IHM's in the US and appear bound to become more so the majority with the way vocations are working these days.
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