The Traditional Latin Mass Back In Wilmington, NC
Pass the word!!
One hour north is Camp Lejuene and New River Air Station (both Marine Corps). One hour south is Myrtle Beach, SC. One hour east is Ft Bragg (Army) and Pope Air Force Base. If you live in any of these grid squares or know anyone who lives within these coordinates, have I got news for you!
Father Walter Ospina will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass according to the 1962 Missal (Traditional Latin Mass) at St Therese's Catholic Church, Wrightsville Beach (greater Wilmington), NC at 3:30, Sunday December 2, 2007.
St. Therese's is located at 207 S Lumina Ave (map to St. Therese's, click here).
Pass the word!!
One hour north is Camp Lejuene and New River Air Station (both Marine Corps). One hour south is Myrtle Beach, SC. One hour east is Ft Bragg (Army) and Pope Air Force Base. If you live in any of these grid squares or know anyone who lives within these coordinates, have I got news for you!
Father Walter Ospina will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass according to the 1962 Missal (Traditional Latin Mass) at St Therese's Catholic Church, Wrightsville Beach (greater Wilmington), NC at 3:30, Sunday December 2, 2007.
St. Therese's is located at 207 S Lumina Ave (map to St. Therese's, click here).
And speaking of The Catholic Church in the Land of Dixie, check out this article entitled Catholicism and the Old South. Take my word for it... it's fascinating.
On a personal note, even though this parish is located on the beach, please remember that our outward appearance is a direct reflection of our inward disposition to The Lord. In other words, no purposfully dressing-down. No one is expected to show up in $2,000 duds, but we should always wear our best in God's House.
See ya at Mass!!
This isn't that far from me. I am only two hours away. I have always wanted to go to a more traditional mass. Will I have to cover my hair? Not that I mind, but I need to prepare my girls ahead of time.
Yes, a Mantilla (Chapel Veil) would be best. In a pinch, an appropriate hat.
If you're unable to get you hands on a Mantilla, just let me know. My wife has planty of extras that we could lend you and your girls.
See ya at Mass!!
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