Opening Oct 20th
I tell ya, I can't wait to see this movie. From what I understand, what Saving Private Ryan did for Army vets of Normandy, Flags of Our Fathers will do for Marine vets of Iwo Jima. Namely, to tell a realistic story of what it was like to actually be there.
Like I've posted about in the past, one thing about the Battle of Iwo Jima that needs to be said to give an idea of what a epic battle that truly was, was the unbelievable casualty count.
In the War in Iraq, we've lost roughly a thousand men a year. On Iwo, the Marines lost a thousand men every 5 days. And the battle lasted a tad over a month long.
Here are some photos I had taken when I went on a battle study to Iwo Jima itself (click on the photos for greater detail). All of us Marines were just stunned that a battle could even have been fought on such hellish terrain. Both above and below ground. And what's really amazing, the average age of the Marine Corps in WWII was 18 years and 10 months old.

This is the actual spot where the flag was raised

Next time you meet a WWII vet, make sure you say thanks. Those teen-agers really did save the world.
Great post, I have nothing but respect for the US Army fighting in Europe in WWII, but the story of the Marines in the Pacific is all to often overlooked, thank God the story is finnaly going to get out in time for my generation to learn of it and say thanks while some of these heroes still walk among us.
Quick question, I have heard a lot of people (liberal know it all types) rip on John Wayne's "Sands of Iwo Jima." I am sure that film doesn't get into the grittyness of war the way a new film would, but what are your thoughts on it?
***as I rub the crystal ball*** I foresee a great e-mail debate sometime in the near future between you and I concerning the military prowess (or lack thereof) of one certain Dugout Doug!
Sands Of Iwo Jima was considered very gritty and realistic for the time frame (late 40's I believe) that it was released.
Liberals consider it just a propaganda piece. I don't know of many propaganda flicks that had the hero get killed at the end.
Oh, and another thing... it drives Liberals crazy that the film in question extolls the virtues of patriotism and self-sacrifrice. Those things absolutely drive libs crazy.
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