Time to expect more over-the-top attacks?
If you thought things were bad now, just wait. Here's some of the article from The California Catholic Daily;
CBS / N.Y. Times poll shows increase in Catholics’ approval of Pope Benedict
New York City, N.Y., May 6, 2010 / (CNA/EWTN News) -- Most churchgoing Catholics say their feelings about the Church are unaffected by the Vatican’s handling of recent child sex abuse reports, according to a recently published CBS News / New York Times poll. Among all Catholics, more have a favorable opinion of Pope Benedict XVI now than they did in March, and they tend to believe media reports are blown out of proportion and harder on the Church than on others.
The CBS News / New York Times poll was conducted between April 28 and May 2, and released on May 4. It surveyed a random sample of 1079 Catholics nationwide by telephone.
Polltakers divided respondents into three categories: weekly Mass attendees, all Catholics, and all Americans. Answers from all respondents are thus weighted by differences in Catholic responses.
Weekly Mass goers are about evenly split in their opinion of the Vatican’s handling of child sex abuse by priests, with 45 percent saying it is doing a good job. About 58 percent of all Catholics and 66 percent of all American respondents said it is not.
About 77 percent of weekly churchgoers said the Vatican’s handing of recent child sex abuse report has had no effect on their feelings about the Catholic Church, while 69 percent of all Catholics and 52 percent of total respondents said the same. About 20 percent of all Catholics and 36 percent of all respondents said it has made them feel more negative.
Considering their views of Pope Benedict, 43 percent of Catholics say they have a favorable opinion of the Pontiff, compared to 27 percent in March 2010. Unfavorable views increased from 11 percent to 17 percent. Among all respondents, 16 percent reported favorable views, 24 percent reported unfavorable views and 59 percent said they were unsure.
Asked whether the Vatican is mainly trying to prevent child sex abuse or cover up the problem, 75 percent of Catholics and 50 percent of all respondents said the Vatican presently aimed at prevention, while 33 percent of Americans thought cover-ups continued.
I liked our Holy Father before but I like him even more now; he has the right enemies—enemies that are enemies because of their hate, not because he has hate for anyone (just for sins).
Love Papa Benedetto!
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