Business as usual in the Cape Fear Deanery
This should be sending up red flags (no pun intended) all over the place. Instead, it's bragged about. From the official website of the Diocese of Raleigh, Here are a couple of questions in some "get to know your priests" series;
Father Hector LaChapelle, Parochial Vicar, St. Brendan the Navigator, Shallotte
Favorite author and/or book?
Hans Kung, On Being a Christian
Any interesting fact that your parishioners would be interested in knowing?
I attended a Protestant seminary for my D. Min.
~ Küng rejected the dogma of Papal infallibility.
~ Küng was stripped of his licence to teach as a Catholic theologian.
~ Küng endorsed the heresy of Mohammedanism in the following quote;
Gee, I can't figure out why the Catholic Church is self-destructing, can you?
Where do they find these guys?
Kung is a heretic, no doubt.
But in all fairness, I think whoever the person is that actually posted/maintains this website is probably ignorant of who Kung actually is. So it didn't even raise an eyebrow when posting it. Heck, I wonder if these were even read before being put up...
I do know who Kung is. He's a heretic. I thought I made that clear. Is there something I'm missing?
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