No Hillary, it's the fat that makes you look fat
*Urrp* Sorry, I just threw-up a little in my mouth. I actually heard the words "Hillary", "hot", and "fat" all in the same sentence. Ewwww.....
Could you even begin to imagine the veritable shitstorm is a MAN would have made the comments Tina Brown made about The Hilldabeast feeling "hot and fat"? He's be made a she, posthaste.
But Madame Brown gets a pass... it's a estrogen thing, I wouldn't understand. You see, Brown is the same "journalist"(?) who stated the following in her uber-liberal coloumn on The Daily Beast;
I just love Tina's expression: She's (Hillary) upset over that Bill thing.
You mean she (Hilary) is just finding that out now! ROFLMAO
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