And the superiors of his Order are ... where? *crickets chirping*
WARNING! Harsh Langua... blah, blah, bah.
There is no doubt in my military mind that two certain Maryknollers, Father Thomas Price (Co-Founder of the Order and famous "Tar Heel Apostle"), and Servant of God Father Vincent Capodanno (Congressional Medal of Honor) would throttle the living shit out of this heretical, social worker-wannabe, Marxist-inspired turd of a human being.
Here's the article from; (Emphasis mine)
August 10, 2009
A Maryknoll priest who was warned last year that he faced excommunication because of his involvement in "Womanpriest" ceremonies attempting the ordination of women as Catholic priests has refused to renounce his stance in favor of women's ordination.
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
•Priest: Ordination of women inevitable (Lower Hudson Journal-News)
•Excommunication for US Maryknoll: likely, but not yet (CWN, Dec 18, 2008)
In the past few decades, the entire Maryknoller Order has been hijacked and outright bastardized. But even this overt and covert episode of both Bourgeois and the Maryknoller honchos being in outright defiance of The Catholic Church is simply beyond the Pale.
Cavey wrote: "There is no doubt in my military mind that two certain Maryknollers, Father Thomas Price (Co-Founder of the Order and famous "Tar Heel Apostle"), and Servant of God Father Vincent Capodanno (Congressional Medal of Honor) would throttle the living shit out of this heretical, social worker-wannabe, Marxist-inspired turd of a human being."
OK Cavey quit holding back & tell us how you really feel.
Do you really think they would let him off that easy?
So let's see if I understand this: Until he is officially excommunicated, he remains in FULL communion with Rome. But the SSPX is not yet in FULL communion? Did I get that right?
Allow me to say in my best USMC parade ground voice, "WTF, OVER!?"
Everytime I see Maryknoll I immediately turn away. Sad. They were once a great order.
No, I think his participation in the uncannonical non-ordinations makes him excommunicated latae sententiae (i.e., automatically). The other kind of excommunication, ferendae secundae, requires canonical warnings, etc.
Some people just have no shame.
Msgt. Caveman--
Once more right on target. Fire for effect.
"...would throttle the living shit out of this heretical, social worker-wannabe, Marxist-inspired turd of a human being"
--- Cave's, don't hold it in. Tell us what you really think. By the way - that was a brilliant sequence of profanities.
Words of encouragement: the increasing defiance and craziness of these aging, heretical priests and nun's is a sign of desperation on their part. And I think it because they are, in recent years, being more and more put under the microscope, and being exposed for what their really are.
What is even more interesting, it has not been so much loyal and popular Catholic intellectuals who have been cornering and challenging these heterodox buffoons, but rather, IMHO it has been all of those excellent Catholic bloggers out there.
God will get him for that.
He probably thinks he IS a woman, and that probably is the source of his confusion. Usually is. As a woman, I honestly don't think he has the sense God gave a turnip, let alone a good woman. (Oops, double entendre there).
Perhaps we should all write to his superiors and ask when this turkey is going to be defrocked and made to hit the road. I appreciate the cursing, but maybe some activism will provide some satisfaction?
I have five words for him, and the "womynpriests" he "ordains":
I hear they're lacking for members, anyway.
I can just see him standing in front of the Vicar of Christ and, aping Lucifer, declaring, "I will not serve."
Dear soon-to-be ex-priest: Death comes like "a thief in the night." Get your soul in order today!
Maybe he will straighten out if given a tobacco enema. *evil grin*
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