Next time you're put on the spot by a Catholic-basher
How can a celibate, unmarried man with no biological children of his own tell me how to be a good husband and father? He can't.
But then again, I don't go to my priest for guidance on how to be a good husband and father... I go to him for guidance on how to be a good CATHOLIC husband and father.
Jesus was celibate and He sure had a lot to say about marriage. So maybe you want to not listen to Him as well? N'est pas
More than anyone, Jesus teaches me how to be a good CATHOLIC husband and father.
What makes you think I wouldn't listen to Him?
I was being sarcastic. It makes me mad when people say what does the priest or church have to tell me about how i shuold live my life.
Gotchya. Point well taken. You're RIGHT!!
Being a good husband and father is not just a role, it's a moral obligation.
And any time I have any questions about moral issues, I go to the guys who study that stuff FOR A LIVING.
Thing is, that doesn't matter.
Especially to the very anti-Catholic, anti-celibacy, pro-womyn priest liberal PC types out there.
To them, a good Catholic husband and father is on the same level as Hitler.
Exactly, I go to Father to get advice on how to better be Catholic, who better to go to than the priest who is acting in Persona Christi?
Try the flip side of this argument. "If I need help in my marriage, I want to go to a guy who is married, he's got the experience." (like say a married Priest).
What do you think he would tell you? Can he be objective? No he cannot he has a marriage and will identify with the man's point of view.
Anyone who honestly reads Theology of the Body by a celebate Priest/Bishop/Cardinal/Pope in JPII will soon find out that the church has much to teach us about who we are as men and women and how to interact for our own peace and joy
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