That Pesky Crucifix
In hoc signo vinces
Hat Tip to Fr. Tom Euteneuer
The following two paragraphs were lifted from Fr. Tom's latest newsletter which inspired this post.
Now has judgment come upon this world; now will this world's prince be driven out, and I—once I am lifted up from the earth—will draw all men to myself (Jn 12:31-32).
These are powerful words for sure but not to be taken as just the pious hopes of a man with a death sentence. Jesus was telling us that He would do for us what no other death or human act could accomplish. He would place an absolute barrier between us and the devil with a wall of Blood called the Crucifixion. It all fits together for anyone who has eyes to see: He is the Paschal Lamb that was slain for the sins of His people; He is the new Passover sacrifice celebrated as His people departed the land of slavery; His is the Blood on the doorposts and lintels of His people's hearts guarding them from the angel of death. No wonder the Church "lifts up" the Cross of Christ for all men to see!
Yeah...all except those wanna-be-Protestant churches that have taken the corpus off the crucifix (most of them aren't really into the Body of Christ, anyway, especially since so many don't even believe in the Real Presence) or have removed any semblence of a cross and replaced it with statues, paintings, mosaics, or banners of the Risen Lord. Hey, you don't get to Easter without going through the Passion. (By His stripes we are healed!)
And apologies, and best wishes*, to those Protestant churches that still maintain the crucifix in their sanctuaries.
*for your eventual return to the One True Church
In hoc signo vinces
Hat Tip to Fr. Tom Euteneuer
The following two paragraphs were lifted from Fr. Tom's latest newsletter which inspired this post.
Now has judgment come upon this world; now will this world's prince be driven out, and I—once I am lifted up from the earth—will draw all men to myself (Jn 12:31-32).

Yeah...all except those wanna-be-Protestant churches that have taken the corpus off the crucifix (most of them aren't really into the Body of Christ, anyway, especially since so many don't even believe in the Real Presence) or have removed any semblence of a cross and replaced it with statues, paintings, mosaics, or banners of the Risen Lord. Hey, you don't get to Easter without going through the Passion. (By His stripes we are healed!)
And apologies, and best wishes*, to those Protestant churches that still maintain the crucifix in their sanctuaries.
*for your eventual return to the One True Church
But the image of a crucified Jesus is just so ICKIE!
Can't we just go with the more sanitized, antiseptic, and user friendly barren cross instead?
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