Just the winner of the 'All-Around Bad Ass of the Week Award', that's all!
And it is will all due respect that I refer to His Excellency as a 'bad ass', because that's exactly what he is. A bad ass.
Here's a few things that the good Bishop has beeen up to;
~ He's been a supporter of the Traditional Latin Mass in his diocese, as evidenced by St. Joseph's Oratory. His Excellency recently administered the Sacrament of Confirmation according to the rubrics of the Traditional Latin Mass.
~ As I just posted below, he'll no longer collect diocesan funds to the anti-Catholic CCHD.
~ Lastly, he's slamming on the brakes to all Diocesan ties to JOSHUA of Green Bay and ESTHER of the Fox Valley. Both of these groups are under a certain monstrosity called WISDOM, which is affiliated with the Gamaliel Foundation, a national group whose strategies run counter to Catholic teachings.
~ Interesting side-note:
The latter two are household phrases. Saul Alinsky is a conundrum.
Alinsky is a self-proclaimed Marxist. He also is a profound elitist.
Congrats to Bishop Ricken for earning this prestigious award.
As he should. The guy's a first class bad ass! We need more just like him.
He would have fit right in at Lepanto.
Weakland aside, we do tend to have a better class of bishops in WI. I'm just sayin'. After Burke, and Morlino, and now this fellow--well, we might be a little bit spoiled.
Kudos to the good Bishop!
The Gamaliel Foundation has cashed in big, via several affiliates during CCHD fundraising drives. It is also bankrolled by George Soros. 'Nuff said.
Thanks for the tip about the column!
Waiting for Abp. Listecki to follow through here in Milwaukee.
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