Remember this when you see either of the bumper stickers to the right
Yeah, I've had my disagreements with the current leadership of the K of C. Besides the fact that I'm a 4th Degree Knight who's also a former Deputy

This is an outright declaration of war. Here's some of the article from the Catholic News Agency; (Emphasis mine)
Washington D.C., Apr 8, 2009 / 04:38 am (CNA).- Several Catholics are included among President Barack Obama’s announced appointments to his advisory council on faith-based partnerships. However, the appointees also include a homosexual activist who has described the Pope as a “discredited leader” and the Knights of Columbus as “foot soldiers” of an “army of oppression” because of their opposition to same-sex “marriage.”
...President Obama also appointed to the board Harry Knox, a leader with the homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign (HRC). A former licensed minister of the United Methodist Church, Knox directs the HRC’s religion and faith program. He said in a statement on the HRC web site that he was “humbled” by the appointment.
“The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community is eager to help the Administration achieve its goals around economic recovery and fighting poverty; fatherhood and healthy families; inter-religious dialogue; care for the environment; and global poverty, health and development. And, of course, we will support the President in living up to his promise that government has no place in funding bigotry against any group of people.”
According to, Knox has described Pope Benedict XVI and certain Catholic bishops as “discredited leaders” because of their opposition to same-sex marriage. Though granting the Knights of Columbus’ “good works," Knox also called the organization’s members “foot soldiers of a discredited army of oppression” because of the Catholic group’s support for the successful California ballot measure Proposition 8. Proposition 8 restored the definition of marriage to being between a man and a woman.
Knox’s remarks, reportedly made to the Bay Area Reporter, also criticized the Pope’s comments on condoms and AIDS. He also told that he “absolutely” stands by his criticism of the Pope.
Another appointee to the advisory council, Bishop Charles Blake, is the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ in Los Angeles, California. A member of the U.N. New World Ecumenical Movement on Gay Rights, he is also a signatory to the 2008 “Faith in Human Rights Statement,” which world religious leaders signed to mark the 60th Anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Yeah... I wonder what kind of "partnerships" he'll be advising towards the Catholic Church.
While most councils are pretty lame, you have to give Supreme Knight Anderson his due. He did publish an open letter on behalf of the Knights admonishing the [then] vice presidential candidate Biden.
I've always said: good times breed bad catholics. Maybe a little oppression will put the fire back into the bellies of Catholic men.
According to the same article, B.O. has also appointed a Catholic priest and a bishop of the Church Of God In Christ (COGIC) a predominantly black Pentecostal denomination which has no use for homosexuality, believing it's a tool of the Devil. They also are strongly against abortion, believing no exceptions should be made. I know these things from personal experience with the COGIC.
IMHO B.O. is trying to appeal to all sides with these appointments. But the time will come when conflict arises over some upcoming policy decision. Between the gay activists and those who view homosexual acts as immoral, who will our fearless leader choose?
Yeah, that DOES count as a stupid question.
As for "partnerships" advised by Knox with Catholics, does the term "drop the soap" bring anything to mind?
I have a feeling it just may be illegal to be Catholic sooner rather than later...
Our local Knights Council is wonderful. They really do God's work and give generously of their time, talents, and resources. Every single one of their members that I've met are faithful to the Church's teachings, generous, hard-working, and truly concerned about handing on the faith and doing corporal and spiritual works of mercy and charity. "Foot soldiers of a discredited army of oppression"! I'm sorry, but forget you, Mr. Knox. (I have another word, but I'll refrain from using it.) What has Mr. Knox done for the poor, the imprisoned, the disabled, the lonely, the widow, or the orphan lately? Who has he clothed, fed, or given drink to recently?
And, what's this "certain Catholic bishops" bit? I bet I could name his favorites! I also bet his favorites and mine don't match at all.
I remember posting a bit about the article in the Bay Area Reporter. So, I am not all that surprized to see that he got selected for teh post.
If what he had said was said against the Muslims there would be loud screams of how hatefully what he said was. But since it is an attack on the Catholic Church it is OK.
PS Did Joey Hair Plugs sign of on him as I suspect he did?
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