Don't pay any attention to the small amount of water damage
All I can do is shake my head in amazement. Here's some of the article from Zenit; (Emphasis mine)
Recognizes Spiritual Giants Who Have Walked Among Us
LANCASTER, England, JAN. 26, 2009 ( If we lived by the principles of the Second Vatican Council, we would know how to balance continuity and change, among other things, affirmed the bishop of Lancaster.
Jan. 25, 1959, was the day Blessed Pope John XXIII opened the council, and the conclusions of this event are still relevant today, affirmed the prelate. ("Relevant"? How about "destructive"?)
The bishop added: "However, the reality of the Council was very different … (Noooo.... *Sarcasm off*)
"This willingness not to be constrained by the pre-prepared schema set the precedent for a far-reaching and creative debate among the Council Fathers, lasting three years and producing a body of documents that are a Magna Carta of the Holy Spirit for the modern Church. (There's that "Super Dogma" nonsense, yet again, rearing it's ugly head.)
"If we truly lived by the decisions of Vatican II we would know how to balance continuity and change." (What decisions? Very little in V2 is binding upon pain of sin.)
Bishop O'Donoghue noted the "sheer energy and hope of the 60s," which has been overlooked or forgotten, "a decade that saw the rise of the modern world from the wreckage of the Second World War." (Wow... the rise of the modern world. What was it again that Christ said about "the world"?)
"The council fathers judged rightly," he noted, "that it was time for the Church to find a new language to speak the eternal truths of faith to modern men and women." The prelate recalled: "I remember the excitement when people heard the Church speaking in a way that was straightforward, biblical, personal, and pastoral. (Yeah, Catholicism had it wrong to 2,000 years. Silly Catholic Church.)
He added: "It is time for us to wake up to the fact that during and after the Council, giants have walked among us: Blessed John XXIII, Blessed Mother Teresa, Servant of God Pope John Paul II, Servant of God Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Henri de Lubac*, Father Karl Rahner SJ**, Father Hans Urs von Balthasar***, Brother Roger of Taizé, Archbishop Oscar Romero, Chiara Lubich, Dietrich Von Hildebrand, Pope Benedict XVI, and many more.
"I suspect that future generations will look back and say: 'Oh, to have lived in times so blessed by the Holy Spirit!'" (And there are still tickets available on the RMS Titanic.)
** Proposes a "transfinalization" or "transignification" which claims the "meaning" of the bread changes after Consecration - a symbol - rather than the Bread really and truly changing into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. According to him, what is there in the afterlife? Precisely nothing—for there is no afterlife, just an "all-cosmic body" in death. Rahner himself made a similar point when claiming that Vatican II marked the emergence of a 'World Church'. Thanks to Rahner, Protestants were no longer simply benighted heretics, pagans no longer simply in error. Rather, if the Churches ever are reunited, the non-Catholic Christians will bring something positive; and even the institutional forms of paganism can be of salvific significance.
*** "Claimed there was no certainty that anyone is in Hell or ever will be in Hell. He stated that "the Church ... has never said anything about the damnation of any individual. Not even about that of Judas."
"The Second Vatican Council solemnly declared in its Constitution on the Church that all the teachings of the Council are in full continuity with the teachings of former councils. Moreover, let us not forget that the canons of the Council of Trent and of VaticanI are de fide, whereas none of the decrees of VaticanII are de fide;The Second Vatican Council was pastoral in nature. Cardinal Felici rightly stated that the Credo solemnly proclaimed by Pope Paul VI at the end of the Year of Faith is from a dogmatic point of view much more important than the entire Second Vatican Council. Thus, those who want to interpret certain passages in the documents of Vatican II as if they implicitly contradicted definitions of Vatican I or the Council of Trent should realize that even if their interpretation were right, the canons of the former councils would overrule these allegedly contradictory passages of Vatican II, because the former are de fide, the latter not."
-Dietrich Von Hildebrand
So, who is this heretic and why should we care what he says? He and a lot of like-minded useless Bishops can just go the way of the dinosaur and we will still be here, praying to Our Lord and saving the holy remnant of the One True Church.
I do find it remarkable that he is not a member of the equally useless and heretical USCCB--apparently that poison has leaked out and infected England, as well.
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