The Archdiothese of Than Franthisco
Remember the cautionary tale of the nightmare that is Marxism better known as George Orwell's Animal Farm? I'm sure that we all remember that Orwell masterfully boiled Marxism down to the rather chilling phrase at the end of the book; "all animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others".
With that said, I did a posting a handful of days back concerning the "priest" in the San Francisco Archdiocese who had banned a parishioner for the horrid sin of having pics of the REALITY of abortion on his vehicle... not that said vehicle was ever parked on church property or anything like that.
Anyhow, the "priest" in question, one Anthony McGuire, had the offending motorist, one Ross Foti, arrested for attending Mass. But that's old news...
Here's some of the article by The California Catholic Daily; (emphasis mine)
Pastor who had pro-life parishioner arrested takes different approach when it comes to homosexuals
Q: What do pro-life activist Ross Foti and the homosexual-friendly Most Holy Redeemer parish in San Francisco have in common?
A: Fr. Anthony E. McGuire.
McGuire is the pastor at St. Matthew’s parish in San Mateo who told Foti to cover signs of aborted babies he displayed on his truck and who recently had Foti arrested when he attended Mass at St. Matthew’s. (McGuire had banned him from the parish.) But McGuire was also the pastor who, according to a recent book, made Most Holy Redeemer parish in the Castro gay friendly in the early ‘80s. (why am I not shocked?)
In his short biography as director of the United States Bishops Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees, McGuire wrote that as a priest of the San Francisco archdiocese, “I pastored a parish with a large gay community and helped the community respond to an AIDS crisis in a resourceful, creative and spiritual way.” This parish was Most Holy Redeemer, which, led by the Rev. Anthony McGuire, said the Sept. 17, 1987 New York Times, “raised funds for and rented space at low cost to the Coming Home Hospice, which houses 15 AIDS patients,” among other things. (Commendable job of social work. Has he done anything for their souls? We all know the answer to that)
According to the recently published Gays and Grays: The Story of the Inclusion of the Gay Community at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish by Jesuit Fr. Donal Godfrey, San Francisco’s former archbishop, John Quinn, sent McGuire to Most Holy Redeemer in 1982 to minister to the area’s homosexuals. Quinn “chose a man who turned out to be especially suited to the new sociological profile of the parish. Under Father Anthony McGuire -- ‘Fr. Tony’ -- the parish was reborn.” (Godfrey’s quotes are from excerpts published in an Aug. 28 posting on the web site “A Shepherd’s Voice.”) (What exactly was it that made him "especially suited" to be sent to Most Holy Redeemer? Hmmm....)
Godfrey notes how the Rev. Jim Mitsulki of the homosexual Metropolitan Community Church said that, during McGuire’s time at the parish, there was “a certain revolving-door factor operating between their respective congregations. Some attended services at both churches… Sometimes parishioners from Most Holy Redeemer went to MCC for same-sex weddings they could not hold at MHR.” (I'll wager my paycheck that "Father Tony" never once seriously attempted to stop his parishoners from having so-called "same-sex weddings" over at the House of Phallo. Anyone care to bet?)
Regarding these “married” homosexual couples, Godfrey quotes McGuire: “Well the question in my mind was, the people who make a conscientious decision to live together as a gay couple, and then they come to communion, just like people who make a similar decision on birth control, you don’t harass them. You respect their decision. The next step was, ‘Can a clearly gay couple take on open ministries in the church?’ Like if a gay couple apply for ordination, that would clearly be an obex [obex is Latin term meaning “hindrance”]. What about Eucharistic Ministers? I thought maybe I should consult [Archbishop Quinn], but then we already had them!” (Sin of Comission, you have a call on line one)
Godfrey notes McGuire’s “marvelous sense of humor” – as when in the homily at his final Mass of Thanksgiving in the parish, McGuire “deadpanned that when he first arrived in the parish, he just thought ‘Hail Holy Queen’ was a good entrance hymn!” (Yeah, I'm sure The Blessed Mother got a good laugh out of that)
Then there was the AA Halloween party in the church hall, where everyone (unannounced to McGuire) was in “either in drag or wearing practically nothing!” Godfrey writes that the next day, a woman who, “in [McGuire’s] words, was ‘the second most uptight parishioner,’ called and was furious. She berated him over the impropriety of such goings-on on church property. ‘It was like Sodom and Gomorrah!’ she thundered. To which McGuire answered meekly, with his mischievous humor, ‘Well, maybe Sodom’.” (isn't he just the cutest?)
McGuire told California Catholic Daily that he does not think “anything our church teaches says we should be anti-homosexuals. We take each person on their journey to God and help them along the way.” When asked whether he agreed that homosexual acts are sinful, McGuire replied, “I accept the teaching of the Church, but I also accept individual people who are trying to come closer to the Lord, to help them along the way.” (masterful double-talk)
Asked whether, in accepting the teaching of the Church, he affirmed that homosexual acts are sinful, McGuire said, “I accept the fact that, yeah, homosexual acts are essentially disordered, is the way that the Church explains it.” (Oh... "as The Church explains it")
Hey, isn't one of them a Cardinal right now?
Ugh, this BS makes me want to vomit.
How do men like him get ordained???
"I believe in God the Father... well, kinda. I do, I guess, but not necessarily everything He says. Cool, right?"
(Then Mahoney steps in and high-fives him...)
Our Lady of Akita, pray for us.
Loving and ministering to homosexuals is a good thing; like everyone else, they need God's love and salvation. But how, under God's shining sun, does that mean excepting them from calls to virtue?
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