I'm surprized her muslim 'leaders' haven't noticed that yet
The first ever muslim Miss England, Hammasa Kohistani claims that "stereotyping members of her community is leading some towards extremism"
No stupid, it's the centuries old muslim desire to destroy Christianity that leads your ilk to extremism. All the bombs that keep going off that prove my point. And the occasional airliner bombing plot doesn't exactly endear you and your playmates to the rest of the British people.
Kohistani went on to say; "For a Muslim to represent England is asking for controversy at the moment. I feel after everything that's happened Muslims are being stereotyped negatively. The whole community has been labelled and, whether they are guilty of crime or not, they are getting penalised for it."
Ahh... I understand now. The British opened their country to you and yours. The British gave you and yours every opportunity to share and be full and equal members in British society. Many muslims have advanced and prospered... many have also sucked off the teat of the British welfare state for years.
The British people have voted for muslims to political office. The British system ensured that a muslim is serving as an admiral in the Royal Navy. But somehow... somehow... it's the fault of the British people, the British system, the British government for the ills that befall the muslims in Britain. Now I understand.
I guess the below pictured "peaceful muslims" are free of any and all responsibility... right?
Don't believe the hype. British Muslims are playiong a very dangerous game at the moment: simultaneously playing the victim card while at the same time following the natural instincts to proselytise, bully, expand. Anti-Muslim feeling among ordinary, normally tolerant, apolitical, non-religious Brits is very high, doesn't get reported and may become dangerous if Muslim "community leaders" keep picking away.
Still, whatever the current threat as Mark Steyn said recently, Islam is a VERY weak religion under threat and our current troubles are in truth, their death throes - we have to face them down. The consistent message of the Holy Father is very much that we must face these buggers down. This is, as it says somewhere else in the blogosphere, the latest phase in a very long war. A war we will win.
Vivat Christus Rex!
STOP PRESS: 14 jihadis arrested on suspicion of terrorism this last night/morning in London and South East England.
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