So How's That Vegetable Garden Workin' For Ya, Michellle?
Dontchya just love the metallic shoes?
Princess Letizia of Spain, French First Lady Carla Bruni and the other half of "perhaps the fittest first couple of all time, Barack and Michelle Obama".

Dontchya just love the metallic shoes?

Most women can't "compete" with Carla or Princess Letizia. And, no I wouldn't want to HAVE to. Money goes a long way in improving what the Good God gives you. Carla's hair hasn't actually been that color since 1978.
I love the metalic shoes just because they're so hard to pass up at Ross' Dress For Less. My Polish Babcia loved metalic shoes.
Ah, memories.
You can take the girl of the farm, but(t).........
Paste it up on the front of the New York Times! Maybe Michelle now has a little knowledge about how other people feel. Of course that won't stop her from exposing her biceps continuosly. Ugh!
1. This looks like the same picture of Carla and the princess, except Carla is one step shy of the one you posted. There seems to be more space to Carla's right than would have closed in a half step, unless Michelle was wobbling to her left as she climbed the stairs.
2. Michelle is one step beyond Carla, yet somehow her dress is behind Carla's hand. It doesn't look right.
It very well may be photoshopped. If it is, it still doesn't take away from the essential truth of the statement.
Seriousely, Michelle Obama is an American a mother and African American. I sometimes think that women in Europe are built differently. I think this picture proves it.
I'm not sure what "American" has to do with it... but you're right. Sub-Saharan Black African women have a different physical make up than European Caucasian women.
But that doesn't negate the fact that Michelle Obama is fat and out of shape. Hardly the second half of "the most fit couple in America."
Come, on, it's just her skirt! :)
It's a simple First-Lady "crass vs. class" comparison of what to wear to lunch with the Spanish royal family.
Carla Bruni-Zarkozy [in blue] realizes that whenever she's in another country, she not only represents herself but her country, as well. And her classy apparel also demonstrates respect for the hosts.
Mrs. Obama, on the other hand...
...Mrs. Obama is quite new to the finer points of representing one's country abroad. After all, for the first time in her life, she's proud of her country.
Maybe next time, she will choose a dress material that doesn't wrinkle.Her blouse that ties in the back is pretty casual to say the least. Nice for a walk on the beach, though.
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