This Is Actually Great News!
Why, you ask?

After decades of Father Limpwrist and Sister Maty Bulldyke trying to scare the crap out of everyone in regards to the "medieval and backwards" Latin Mass, that a majority of those polled aren't openly hostile to the TLM is great news, indeed!
Now it's our job to show the led-astray Faithful exactly what the TLM is all about. And get ready for some of the most outrageous comments from those who've been indoctrinated for the fast 40+ decades.
My personal favorite from a LifeTeen member in regards to the TLM:"I can't imagine me attending a Mass where I'm suppose to look at my feet the entire time." Four times in one sentence concerning the Mass, this guy referred to himself. THAT'S the result of the piss-poor catechises they've been brought up with.
There... I've said what needs to be said. Now go forth and do great things.
Why, you ask?
Now it's our job to show the led-astray Faithful exactly what the TLM is all about. And get ready for some of the most outrageous comments from those who've been indoctrinated for the fast 40+ decades.
My personal favorite from a LifeTeen member in regards to the TLM:
There... I've said what needs to be said. Now go forth and do great things.
I know a lot of folks who are tired of the lack of reverence but are intimidated by the TLM. As a matter of fact, I was like that not too long ago. After attending my first one or two, my attitude was, "that was great, but I don't know if I would want to go to one every week". After getting over the initial intimidation, It should become aabundantly clear to anyone who truly believes in the True Presence, that there is nothing on this earth more Eucharistic centered than the Mass in the Extraordinary Form.
If that is what one is truly seeking, they will flock to it.
IMO, most Catholics haven't the slightest idea what the TLM is all about. I include most those who oppose it.
My conversion to the TLM took time, but now that I go, I don't see anyway back.
That is a great way to put it. I have for the longest time now come to the conclusion that the Novus Ordo is sorely deficient when compared to the TLM. But when asked in what way is it deficient, you just gave about the best single sentance answer one could give without getting into a five hour discussion on the matter.
The follow up question by a Novus Ordo sympathizer affected by the "Spirit of Vatican II" newspeak would of course be "what about the community aspect?" Ironically, as is the case with any Truth clouded by the newspeak of the Modernists, the Novus Ordo is sorely deficient in the "community" aspect of the Mass as well. To understand this, however, one has to go to a good parish, become comfortable with the TLM to the point of being able to follow along without even needing a missal (this level of comfort took me about 1 year of going to the TLM exclusively at least once a week), and be properly catechized about true Charity.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of people do not have access to a good parish with a strong TLM community and with at least a weekly TLM, much less a proper understanding of true Charity.
Anyway, just another fruit of the "old Mass," the formation and sustainability of true Catholic communities.
I would just add for clarity's sake, that it is through true devotion and focus on the Eucharist that Catholic communities are made. Nothing endears me to my neighbor more than kneeling beside him or her in full adoration, prayer, and devotion to Our Lord. Among its many positive aspects, the TLM, unlike the NO, creates the environment where this is possible.
"Now it's our job to show the led-astray Faithful exactly what the TLM is all about."
One way would to be to get some of the TLM promotional posters from Una Voce and personalize them for the TLM in you area, then post them where they might be seen by interested people (and somewhere where radical modernists won't tear them down).
Also, did you notice how the "Favor" group fropped in the last 23 years as those who grew up with the 1500-year old, universal Mass dies off and where replaced by those who had no clue (pro or con) about it?
IMO, most Catholics haven't the slightest idea what the TLM is all about. I include most those who oppose it.
Well, too many of us aren't sure what either rite is about. People complain about the prospect of not knowing what's happening at Mass if it's offered in Latin, but it seems like ever since we got the Mass in the vernacular, we understand it less than ever!
"I can't imagine me attending a Mass where I'm suppose to look at my feet the entire time."
I read somewhere that there was once an indulgence attached to gazing with devotion at the Host during Mass. Don't know how you do that and look at your feet at the same time.
This individual was in reality, simply aghast that his head should be bowed during "Eucharist". Reverence and submission was obviously beneath him.
This individual was in reality, simply aghast that his head should be bowed during "Eucharist". Reverence and submission was obviously beneath him.
Was that his problemo? No wonder that looked like one of the world's most idiotic utterances. It was.
"Nothing endears me to my neighbor more than kneeling beside him or her in full adoration, prayer, and devotion to Our Lord."
Confiteor - Hope you don't mind if I borrow that one! That was perfect.
As far as the NO and the 'community' aspect, I always found it funny when we'd go to our local 'parish in the round' which has pews that can seat 25 or so across and the same people who would sit nowhere near you, are now trying to hold your hand during the Our Father. They are bounding over pews and tripping over kneelers for their little symbolic sign of unity, which they could show with the gesture of a nod or a smile that could be given at any given moment.
Then you have the whole 'involvement' angle that gets thrown into the mix. We now find priests that feel the need to do the " we have any visitors..." moments and hold Masses designed/altered "to get...(add disaffected group name here)more involved...". All these 'angles' concocted to promote 'involvement' end up doing the exact opposite from what they claim they are intended for. They alienate people through detracting from what our focus should be on, the Holy Sacrafice of the Mass.
I've never felt more involved at a Mass than when I started going to the Mass in the Extraordinary Form and you are so right about the community feeling when you attend one, with the entire congregations focus in prayer and adoration, in anticipation of what we are about to receive. There are no distractions, no detractions and no wiggle room for the allowance of personal agendas, whether they come from the priest or the laity. Once the hurdle of availability is cleared (and judging by the amount of young priests and seminarians that are embracing the TLM, it's coming)you will see these Masses packed. THIS is the answer to those who KNOW that, "we are mising something here, this shouldn't be about me". If they are seeking that answer, they'll find the Latin Mass.
Through all the frustration I might feel right now under present conditions, I have faith in this.
FAB- I just checked out the Una Voce website. That is a great idea, those posters are awesome.
One day a poll that asks about faith questions concerning Catholics will only pool those who attend church weekly at a minimum. Asking those who do not go to mass is like asking the irish in America to comment on something that applies only to Ireland. If you do not "live" in Ireland, who cares what you think.
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