You may be in for a bit of a surprise
In reading the mainstream media, one would get the impression that when Supreme Court Justice To Be (let's not lie to each other) Sonia Sotomayor ruled against 19 "White" fire fighters.
One gets the impression they're a bunch of WASPS, right?
Ummm... here's the names of the fire fighters in question.
And speaking of European family names, I also see a certain name of Vargas. Well, Vargas certainly is a Spanish last name... but isn't the Sotomayor-screwed fire fighter in question a --- wait for it --- Latino?
Yeah, he is.
So much for all those "White" fire fighters deemed unqualified by good ol' Sonia. This must be an example of all that 'wise Latina' crap I've been hearing all about.
By the way... did you see the last 2 names? Might not be a good idea to piss off the Vendetto Brothers. Capice?
1 of the ironies is that some of these paisans of mine probably look more ethnic than some of the hispanics.
Once again the ridiculousness of the liberal agenda. What they won't admit is they are basicly saying that because you are an ethnic minority you aren't as capable as us liberal whites, so we have to give you special treatment. It is basicly calling any minority 2nd class.
I'm completely against affirmative action, or anything similar to it (a la this case)
Wise Latina...hahaha, of ocurse, and Barry's a US Citizen ;)
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