If-a you still no listen, I take you fishin' wid Fredo!!
Is it just me, or does Cardinal Bertone look like the Cappo of one of The Five Families?
Anyhow, Here's a rather straightforward article concerning homosexuals being admitted to seminaries. By the way, keep in mind that the so-called "pedophilia scandal" is a whitewash. 80% of the monetary settlements had nothing to do with sex with pre-pubescent boys, but with adolescent and adult males... in other words, textbook homosexuality.
Here's some of the article from The Catholic News Agency; (Emphasis mine)
Vatican City, May 19, 2008 / 09:21 am (CNA).- Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, has sent a letter to the bishops of the world with the approval of Pope Benedict XVI reaffirming the norms established by the Congregation for Catholic Education in the 2005 document, “Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocation with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders,” as universal and without exceptions.
The letter, which Cardinal Bertone said was issued in response “to numerous requests for clarification,” implies that the prohibition against accepting homosexual candidates in seminaries applies not only to diocesan seminaries but also to those of religious orders and congregations, as well as to those that are located in mission territories.
The 2005 Instruction indicated the Congregation for Catholic Education, “in accord with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, believes it necessary to state clearly that the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practise homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called 'gay culture'."
The Cardinal of the Phillippines has already contradicted the statement you cite.
Even THERE!!
Yeah, well, that covers the seminarians, but what about the sodomites who are already priests?
If it were up to me, I'd cancel their Holy Orders, since they've more than likely broken their vow of chastity...
This is OT, but I have said unflattering things about Roger Card Mahony here and elsewhere in the past. But credit where credit's due.
Here's a copy of a letter sent to Heretical Retired Bishop Robinson, presently touring the US:
The Lavender Mafia is waiting eagerly for the demise of the Holy Father in hopes that he will be replaced by one with more nuanced views on the subject.
I got about three things to say--make that four.
1--I expect a schism in the US, aomewhat along the lines of the Brasilian National Apostolic Catholic Church. I don't think it will be along geographic lines, but I do expect some areas will have a higher proportion of Schismatics than others. The result will be the Roman Catholic Church in the US, and the "American Catholic Church." Both will spend a lot of time on their knees--one in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
David--Cdl Mahoney seems to be changing his tune since the Holy Father visited. I don't know if he actually underwent a change of heart, or got a talking to, but it's good.
And, there is some lady calling herself "Hans Kung" commenting on one of my posts, an abortion post. Go over and let her know your opinion--she argues a lot but not well--sort of a fundamentalist secular.
and finally, I haven't been home for almost two weeks, and the computer I'm using is flackey as a lepers head--hope this posts!
I can summarize the whole statement of Cardinal Bertone to the seminaries thus: "What part of NO! don't you understand?"
Or, to keep up with your Mafia theme: Cardinal Berone makes seminaries an offer they better not refuse: "Hey gavone! No finochio! Capisce?????"
Actually, Papa Benedetto is the Capo of the Catholic Church, Bertone is the equivelent of a caporegime.
PS Cavey, good Italiano that I am, I have to tell you that CAPO only has 1 P, not 2 as you wrote it.
PPS The definitions of gavone & finochio are the slang usages, not the standard Italiano. However, I think that most readers are smart enough to figure out what I said without my translating.
Mr. Caveman, do you have any resources you can recommend re: getting the real story on the lawsuits? Where'd you get the 80% figure?
(The Protecting God's Children class I had to take to work in a parish - even as clerical support - insisted on the distinction between pedophilia and homosexuality. Which I can appreciate. But if the lion's share of the cases were with pubescent victims, that's a different story...)
Thanks for keeping me honest. Here's the reference from the American Psychological Association;
Most victims in other denominations are girls and women. Research on sex offenses in the Catholic Church has shown, however, that around 80 percent of priests who have abused minors are ephebophiles, who target post-pubescent adolescent boys.
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