Monday, December 13, 2010

Who Knew There Was A New El Cerro Grande In Wilmington, NC?
Helmet tip to the enigmatic and far away C

Or is the Diocese of Raleigh just making a run for the border? Hey, where's the Churro stand?

Yo Quero Novus Ordo
The Shrine of St. Mary's, Wilmington, N.C. Diocese of Raleigh

Hmmm... I wonder if there's going to be a Corned Beef & Cabbage Mary during the celebration for Our Lady of Knock?


  1. Father Bob does this every year. He's a nit wit liberal just like Father Vetter at St. Therese. They won't ever change. Sadly, we'll have to wait to they retire (or worse). I don't mean to be so negative about our ordained priests, but these two guys are simply in love with the false gospel of liberalism and progressivism.

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    This won't be happening at any parish that I'll be pastor of when I get ordained.
