In The Sacristy, No One Can Hear you Scream
And scream you'll want to
Helmet tip to Unseen Accomplices
From the diocese that was once headed up by none other than Archbishop Fulton Sheen, we have this drivel oozing out from Rochester, NY. Something about a priest shortage. Gee... I wonder why.
"So two other priests who've also forgotten what the hell chasubles are for, the Bishop, and one of them Chicks With Pyx-types, they all walk into a bar... Stop me if you've heard this one..."
"Oh Lord, why hast Thou burdened Thine servants to wear stoles made from Sesame Street material, and carpet samples? Verily Lord, bring sucheth suffering to an end. Sufferin' succotash. Amen. Yea verily. And bless this drive way witheth an oil stain in Thine own image. Hey... is this thing on?"
Is that really a nun helping out His Excellency? Possibly just some really pissed off dude with an extra-large "this is a stick-up" note? Or maybe this might be someone's mom? I'm not sure!! I think a certain international man of mystery super-spy from the 60's has the answer.
And scream you'll want to
Helmet tip to Unseen Accomplices
From the diocese that was once headed up by none other than Archbishop Fulton Sheen, we have this drivel oozing out from Rochester, NY. Something about a priest shortage. Gee... I wonder why.

LOL Cavey!!!
The middle pic is one of my local parishes - the celebration fo 150 years of Catholic education that they attempted to make my kid go to the same week they closed 13 schools and essentially stranded 1900 kids. The ambiguous figure, I believe, is one of the "pastoral associates" but I'm not 100% on that.
You know, the biggest "priest shortages" are always in places where the men look like women and the women look like men. There is nothing more likely to shrivel the manhood than those assorted middle aged sanctuary-hags, lezzo lectors, and "Extraordinary Ministresses" in tie-dyed lycra....
What sort of Catholic man would want to follow in the footsteps of one of those poncy "spirit of Vatican II" girly-priests and their harems of sapphic sanctuary sisters?
Thank God for the FSSP.
PS Each week since I have lived here, we are asked to pray for vocations. Which I do...while privately adding "for anywhere but here."
Let's not forget Bishop Clark's failed importation of Nigerian priests back in 2001 to fill the void. Most of them are gone, having had their spirits and/or vocations crushed, because they were mocked and shunned BY THEIR FELLOW PRIESTS (not to mention a fair number of their mainly rural, white parishioners) for their "funny accents," but worse yet, their authenticity, orthodoxy, and overall "conservatism."
As Rich at "10 Reasons" reminds me when I get on my rants, "Only 5 years 'til his mandatory retirement..."
Check your history.
Bishop Sheen actually introduced a number of "reforms" - Priests Council, lay run diocesan office, a woman teaching at the seminary, and more. He actually once tried to give away a parish!
Flag this one for the Caveman Classics Anniversary Edition!!
"So two other priests who've also forgotten what the hell chasubles are for, the Bishop, and one of them Chicks With Pyx-types, they all walk into a bar... Stop me if you've heard this one..." -- LMAO!!
I don't seem to ever recall me ever speaking against:
a. Priests Councils. I do believe that priestly councils (in one form or another) have been around for... hmmm, a couple thousand years. Nothing really new there. Ever heard of Deaneries?
b. Lay run diocesan office.
I have no problem with that. It just depends WHAT office they're running. Specifically, no member of the laity should ever be in charge of priests. Only a Roman Protestant would disagree with that. But a lay Catholic running the Diocesan Finacial Office, or something along those lines, I can live with that.
c. A woman teaching at the seminary. I have no problem with tha, as well. It just depends on WHAT she's teaching. A class on public speaking, or Church history... I can live with. But anyone, male or female, who ISN'T a priest who would be so bold as to instruct a seminarian on how to BE a preist is, quite honestly, just stupid.
So you see, Lee, your admonition to me to "check my history" not only is factually inaccurate, it's also somewhat arrogant.
BTW, what does any of what you've said have anything to do with what I posted (in regards to the garbage taking place at Rochester)? Nothing, that's what. Nice try, though.
Oh, by the way Lee. I also wanted to point out to you that Archbishop Sheen was Bishop of Rochester for less than 3 years before he was "asked to resign" mainly because his administrative skills sucked so badly.
So much for being a great nuts & bolts level reformer that sooooo many Roman Protestants so badly want him painted as.
But just listen to his lectures and read his papers from his later life. His re-embrace of traditional, orthodox Catholicism has all but been ignored by the "progressive" (read: Protestantesque) Catholics.
You might want to check your history, Lee.
My comments were in response to your citing of Bishop Sheen - the implication being that somehow what is going on was not something he would accept. I pointed out the things he did because those were among the initial changes that led the diocese along the path it has taken. In a sense, he set the direction.
He was a poor pastoral administrator who did not explain what he was doing or try to draw support - he simply did things.
He was not "asked to resign." He sought to get out after the backlash over some of his proposals lost him support.
As for checking my history - I wrote a series of articles about him when I was a reporter/editor for the diocesan newspaper. I interviewed many of those close to him. I also won an award for the series from the Catholic Press Association.
My comments were in response to your citing of Bishop Sheen
No, you comments were a weak and vain attempt to connect Abp Sheen to the 3 Ring Circus better known as the Diocese of Rochester.
He was a poor pastoral administrator who did not explain what he was doing or try to draw support - he simply did things.
Yeah... he should have asked permission from the laity. Silly Abp Sheen. How dare he.
He was not "asked to resign." He sought to get out after the backlash over some of his proposals lost him support.
One of the shortest episcopal tenures in the history of The Church in America, and you honestly expect people to believe that he wasn't asked to resign? At least covertly? Sure. Keep telling yourself that. And what's this "backlash" and "lost him support" garbage? Who exactly caused a backlash? Who exactly withdrew support? Textbook Roman Protestantism.
I also won an award for the series from the Catholic Press Association
Am I suppose to be impressed? I'm not. I've seen some of the examples of your writing. Martin Luther would be proud.
Catholic press administration? That's right up there with the Pro Wrestling Torch. If what that psuedo-protestant sect does is Christianity I'd rather be a muslim.
P.S. I'm not the same guy as Cavey
It's amazing to see how much Rochester and LA have in common
Sheen was a brutally awful bishop...great programs on the radio and television, absolutely brutally awful bishop who approved and had a bunch of terrible terrible ideas
And this isn't even close to the worst that we have to deal with in the DoR.
Women's Ordination Conference nuns and an ex-nun married to an ex-priest running parishes, lay homilies, heretical priests promoting the ordination of women from the pulpit and parish bulletins, liturgical dance... The list goes on.
~Dr. K
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