Friday, September 05, 2008

I'm Tired Of Paying For The Slackers
The difference between poor and spoiled

I heard some Defeatocrat talking head the other day drone on concerning "quality health care" for everyone. Hold on a sec... back the truck up. Weren't the Dems yipping and yapping themselves silly not all that long ago about "affordable health care" for everyone?

Know what? We do have affordable health care in this country. In many cases, it's pretty damn expensive, but still affordable. And what's even more shocking, if we would kick-in some real tort reform (and execute a few ambulance chasers and pharmaceutical big-wigs), we'd have even cheaper quality health care.

Here's another shocking bit of information - not everyone in this country who is without health care (affordable or otherwise), is poor.

Even what many consider "the worst" that America has to offer (County Hospital, free-clinics, etc.), is light years ahead of what passes for health care throughout most of this world. And there's no getting around that.

But anyhow, what's the difference between "poor" and "spoiled" --

The Poor: Those who through no fault of their own, have either extreme difficulty or the inability to pay for certain, if not all, basic necessities of life.

The Spoiled: Those who knowingly, willingly and intelligently choose not to pay for certain, if not all, basic necessities of life. But instead, spend their money on trivial and inconsequential novelties.

Case in point: my new neighbors. They own a big screen plasma TV; two vehicles, one of which is a huge truck that gets 18 MPG, at best; top tier satellite TV service; and to top it all off, they both smoke and drink.

With all that said, it's their money and they can do with it what they want. But for whatever odd reason, neither husband or wife choose to get health insurance were they work, and they use government hospitals/clinics instead. And we all know who pays for that, don't we?

So I have to pay for their health care.... why?

I think St. Paul said it best -- "if any man will not work, neither let him eat."


  1. National Health Care, what a joke, lol...If that happens, kiss all the special surgeries and medical advances goodbye, sine EVERYONE needs to be covered.

  2. I think St. Paul said it best -- "if any man will not work, neither let him eat."

    2 Thessalonians 3:10

  3. Nationalized health care = rationing. Just look at Oregon.

  4. I don't have insurance myself, and can't get it because "I make too much money." If my wife were pregnant we'd get all the aid in the State even though we can't provide for one yet. That's logic.

  5. As for the pharmaceutical bigwigs, the outrageous prices they charge are simply the only means they have to recover the far more outrageous costs imposed upon them by the Food and Drug Administration.
